C. este un muzician care locuieste impreuna cu sotia sa M. intr-o casa mica din Texas. La scurt timp, C. isi pierde viata in urma unui accident de masina insa spiritul sau continua sa bantuie prin casa. Isi observa cu atentie sotia suferind in urma disparitiei sale premature. In cele din urma M. paraseste casa pe care au impartit-o in trecut. C. ramane in casa si observa noii chiariasi care se muta in casa, o mama singura impreuna cu cei doi copii ai sai. Casa in care a locuit C. se transforma in cele din urma intr-un hotel de lux insa C. ramane in locul in care a murit.
imdb 7,6 OMG!!!!! cum poate cineva nota acest film cu o nota atat de mare este o mare enigma. Poate fumau toti ceva tare, a fost vreun party grandios dat de David Lowerly. Film extrem de plictisitor, fara intriga, scene fara nici o esenta – prelungite pt mai bine de 1o minute. Nu am rezistat si am sarit de la minutul 20, la 35, 45, 55 etc. Pur si simplu nu te lasa constiinta sa-ti pierzi timpul cu o asfel de productie.
așa e !
cronica veridica, desi sa spunem ca pune totusi filmul intr-o lumina mult prea buna si nu este cazul,, A young man dies and returns as a ghost to silently observe and occupy the home he once lived in. Time passes, his widow moves out, but the ghost waits. Very early in this film you notice how stunning the cinematography is, a sure sign that the story is lacking in depth. There are hints of Terence Malick’s ‘The Tree of Life’ here, and some of The Time Machine’s ideas on the non-linearity of time. But the film offers nothing substantial or insightful. Long takes force us to engage for uncomfortably extended periods with one frame, but there is nothing especially thought-provoking or insightful on offer. A woman gorging herself on pie is an especially egregious example, a scene that was the trigger for the series of walk-outs that took place at the art-house cinema in Scotland where I watched this. A party bore offers up a vacuous speech on the fragility and indeterminacy of existence that a literature undergrad would blush at, never mind a middle-aged man. The main content of conversation post-viewing was whether this scene or the pie-eating was more tedious. A ghost that can walk through walls spends literally an eternity trying to fish a piece of paper out of a wall. The film has one of those ambiguous endings that is the calling card kop-out of the art-house poseur filmmaker. It is beautifully filmed, exquisitely so, but it is scant compensation for the trite storytelling.”
f slab filmul si dea dreptul plictisitor..l-am vazut pe tot in 15 minute….fantoma cu cearceaf in cap…ce gluma proasta
are notă mare deoarece orice subiect nou de r—t e VĂZUT de 10
l-am vizionat în 3 minute